This message couldn't be more raw and straight forward, "Godly Men Do It Best". In the world of today, everyone claims to be the best at what they do. But, when you look at their works in the kingdom it's dead soil, you can't plant any seeds that'll give you fruit. Living life in a Godly manner is not just going to bless you with fruit, but bless your neighbor, bless your family members, bless your church, bless your community, bless your children and marriage. If you're not living in a Godly way, it doesn't matter how successful you are, you'll still be miserable inside. When you do things according to God's will, you'll always be the best, you will always be number one, nothing is going to stop you from being on top. One of the best rewards of being a Godly man, is discovering your purpose and reaping everything that God has for you in the heavens, in the kingdom and on the earth, the world is yours! Be who God called you to be, be Godly, so that you can receive what God has reserved for you. #godlymendoitbest
Godly Men Do It Best
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