One of our most powerful messages at Divine Wear. "Don't Drop Your Crown". We all know that to obtain your spiritual crown and be called a queen of God's kingdom you have to put that work in. Mentally, physically and spiritually by fasting, praying, studying and laboring. Once you get your crown, the last thing you want to do, is drop it and go back into the world and everything you did for God is now in vain. So, let's remind ourselves to keep that crown on and motivate our sisters not to drop their crown either. #dontdropyourcrown
Don't Drop Your Crown
If within 30 days of recieving your appaeral you are not happy, then we are not happy. We will give you a full refund once you return the merchandise. A refund typically takes 7 -10 days after we recieved the merchandise back. We do not cover your shipping cost to send it back to us and if you don't want a refund and just make an exchange for another size or style, that's also an option. Again we don't cover your shipping cost to send it back to us. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contat us today. Have a bless day and just be who God called you to be!